Despite financial crisis the volume of incoming orders to the German mechanical and plant engineering was surprisingly high in September this year. In real figures the volume was up by 2% as compared to September 2007. This was reported on Wednesday by the German Association for Mechanical engineering and Plant Manufacturing (VDMA) in Frankfurt. The increase is a consequence of more orders from abroad. The volume of foreign orders increased by 4%, whereas that from within Germany fell by 1%.
For the 3-month period from July to September 2008, however, the order volume fell by 5% as compared to the same period in 2007 which is the result of a plus of 2% in terms of domestic orders and a reduced volume of orders from abroad (-9%).
According to VDMA, in September 2008 demand from abroad even surpassed the order volume from September 2007 by 4%. A driving factor behind this increase was more orders for major plants.