Surprisingly high order volume in German mechanical engineering

Despite financial crisis the volume of incoming orders to the German mechanical and plant engineering was surprisingly high in September this year. In real figures the volume was up by 2% as compared to September 2007. This was reported on Wednesday by the German Association for Mechanical engineering and Plant Manufacturing (VDMA) in Frankfurt. The increase is a consequence of more orders from abroad. The volume of foreign orders increased by 4%, whereas that from within Germany fell by 1%.

For the 3-month period from July to September 2008, however, the order volume fell by 5% as compared to the same period in 2007 which is the result of a plus of 2% in terms of domestic orders and a reduced volume of orders from abroad (-9%).

According to VDMA, in September 2008 demand from abroad even surpassed the order volume from September 2007 by 4%. A driving factor behind this increase was more orders for major plants. GERMAN
