Wholesale trade prices were on average 5.8% higher in September 2008 as compared to September last year. Thus, annual inflation fell as compared to August and July this year when wholesale trade selling prices were up by 7.4% and 9.9% in comparison with the respective months in 2007. As compared to August the wholesale trade selling price index fell by 0.6% in September. In particular prices for solid fuels and mineral oil products (+19.4%) increased in the one-year period since September 2007.
In September wholesale prices for ores, iron, steel, non-ferrous metals and semi-finished products thereof were 17.2% higher than in September last year and 0.6% lower than in August 2008.
With regard to fruits, vegetables and potatoes wholesale prices increased by 12.9% since September 2007 and by 0.2% since August this year. With respect to coffee, tea, cocoa and spices the annual price change amounted to +8.5% and to +3.5% as far as milk, dairy products, eggs and cooking oil are concerned. As compared to August this year inflation was +0.2% with regard to these products. On the other hand, wholesale prices for cereals, seeds and fodder fell by 21.5% since September 2007 and by 3.4% since August this year which was a decrease for the sixth month in a row.
The price change for office equipment and devices was -9.9% in September as compared to September 2007 and -0.4% as compared to August 2008.