According to the Federal Statistical Office a full-time employee in industry and in the service sector earned 2.8% more in the second quarter of 2008 as compared to the second quarter in 2007, i.e. on average 3098 Euros in gross salaries and wages per month. In the same period, however, consumer prices increased by 2.9% which is more than the increase in wages and salaries.
The most important salary increase was registered for employees in the energy and water supply sector where salaries and wages increased by +4.0%. The increase was smallest in the hotel and restaurant industry with +1.7%.
On average full-time employees in the processing industry and in the service sector earned 18.35 Euros per working hour which is 30.0% more as compared to gross hourly salaries of part-time employees (14.12 Euros). The gap between salaries of full and part-time employees was particularly big in the sector of so-called „services close to industry“ in which this gap amounted to 51.8%. The gap was smallest in the transportation and telecommunications sectors (+5.0%) as well as in the sector of education and training (+12.6%).
One of the reasons for great gaps in the salaries of full-time and part-time employees is their different levels of education. While 11.0% of full-time employees – most of them with university diploma – worked in leading positions in the second quarter 2008, this figure was just 4.9% with regard to part-time employees. The percentage of employees without professional training was much smaller among full-time employees (24.1%) than among part-time employees (39.4%).