The global market for online advertising is booming. According to studies by the EITO market research company turnover generated worldwide through ad banners and other online advertising formats is expected to grow by 23% to 31.7 billion Euros by the end of this year. Expenditure on online advertising is growing particularly fast in Europe and many regions in Asia. In the EU growth amounts to 31% which will bring expenditure on online advertising to about 9.1 billion Euros by the end of this year.
By far the biggest market for internet advertising is the USA. In spite of the financial crisis EITO predicts a growth of 13% for the US which equals an expenditure of 13.6 billion Euros in 2008.
Turnover in online advertising is particularly booming in China: turnover is predicted to grow by 46% to a total turnover of 1.2 billion Euros. The growth predicted for the Japanese market is 15% with total turnover reaching 3.3 billion Euros.
This boom in internet advertising will affect turnover generated through advertising on TV. According to EITO, in 2008 this turnover is going to increase by 8% to 139 billion Euros which is significantly smaller growth than that in internet advertising.