German deliveries to Asia are still going strong this year in spite of less momentum of the German economy as a whole. While total German export grew by 6.9% in the first half of 2008, that to Asia and the Pacific region (without the Middle East) increased by 11.2%.
This positive trend is in particular due to more export the People’s Republic of China. China is the most import purchaser of German goods in this region. Not at last because of the Olympic Games exports to China grew by 20.6% reaching almost 17 billion Euros.
Even more dynamic was the growth in exports to India and Australia which are currently the fourth and fifth most important purchasing countries in Asia and the Pacific regions. Sales to Japan were quite weak in the past, but also slightly grew recently by +0.7%. After growth in 2007 sales to Vietnam dropped in the first half of 2008 (-26.7%) to about 500 million Euros.