Most internet buyers do not buy expensive products. Three quarters of online shoppers did not spend more than 100 Euros during their most recent purchase. Nevertheless, these bargain hunters look for brand names. This is the finding of a study called “Kommunikationskosten im Sales und After-Sales von E-Shops” which was commissioned by the software manufacturer novomind and the expert magazine “Der Versandhausberater”.
The study is based on online interviews. It also revealed additional interesting details: 70% of web purchasers explicitly look for brand names because they believe that such products will meet their expectations.
Therefore it is not surprising that an increasing number of manufacturers of highly priced products would like to use their brand names in order to increase their online sales. In order to boost sales of luxury articles over the internet they have to make use of the particular advantages of online shopping. Online buyers in particular want to save time when looking for and ordering goods and services on the internet.
The way products are presented and potential buyers guided through a shopping site are therefore the most decisive factors for making buying decisions. These sites have to open quickly and appear clearly arranged. And clients must have the impression that the quality, design and colour of the actual product match with the product illustration in online catalogues. Therefore, three-dimensional views and high-resolution product illustrations are particularly suitable.
The study also revealed which product groups are particularly sought-after on the internet. Thus, most popular products in virtual department stores are books and newspapers as well as music and film carriers. These products were chosen by 29% of interviewees. 20% bought garments and consumer electronics, mostly by brand name manufacturers. Precious pieces of furniture or cars, on the other hand, are preferably bought through non-virtual business deals. Thus, furniture was purchased online by just 2.1% of interviewees and less than 1% bought a car in the course of their most recent internet shopping tour. With regard to these product groups the internet is mainly a tool for gathering information. The deal itself is struck later on in a traditional outlet.
The data for the study were collected at the beginning of April this year. 428 online purchasers took part in the underlying survey.