German small and medium-sized entities (SMEs) are dissatisfied with current economic policies in Germany. Most criticized are political measures taken against the lack of specialists (just 11% consider these to be sufficient). Measures taken against red tape are considered to be similarly ineffective. These are the findings of a study conducted jointly by the German Association of SMEs (BVMW) and the Deloitte consulting firm.
In the course of the “Meinungsbild Mittelstand” survey more than 250 small and medium-sized entities were interviewed both over the internet and during the “Tag der Wirtschaft” in Düsseldorf on topics such as the fight against red tape, lack of specialists and fiscal legislation.
SMEs are also upset by the regulations of the anti-discrimination law (AGG). Thus, 47% of entrepreneurs interviewed said that this law made recruiting of additional staff more difficult.
With regard to other topics opinions are divided, e.g. as far as minimum wages are concerned. 46% confirm that corporate and business tax changes at the beginning of this year significantly reduced the tax burden. “The opinions on the effects of fiscal policies significantly depend on the legal form of a company”, says Mr. Lutz Meyer of Deloitte.
When asked about their general evaluation of economic policies in Germany 10% said that they are satisfied, 34% answered to be “not satisfied” or “not satisfied at all”. The remaining 56% held the opinion that there were both positive as well as negative effects.