Consumer prices increased less in April

In April 2008 consumer prices increased less than in March this year. As was reported by the Federal Statistical Office, the annual inflation rate in April will presumably amount to 2.4%. In March this year the rate had been 3.1%. In the period between March and April consumer prices even fell by an estimated 0.2%.

One of the factors which most led to less inflation in April were lower prices for travel packages, in particular in the period after Easter when prices fell by -13.4% as compared to March 2008 and by -7.4% as compared to April 2007.

Foodstuffs, on the other hand, became more expensive in April so that prices were up by between 6.5% and 8.8% in different Federal Laender as compared to April 2007. The price of fuel oil increased by between 1.1% and 4.6% as compared to March this year and by between 33.7% and 42.9% in comparison with April last year. Fuel prices changed only slightly as compared to March 2008, but were significantly up on the prices in April 2007 (by between 7.8% and 10.8%).

The so-called harmonized European consumer price index for Germany will probably increase by 2.6% in April 2008 as compared to April 2007. In comparison with March 2008 this index fell by 0.3%. GERMAN
