SMEs want to strengthen controlling

A study called “Vertriebsorientiertes Erfolgsmanagement” carried out by the German Association for Information Management, Telecommunications and New Media (BITKOM) revealed that small and medium-sized entities (SMEs) from the field of information technology and telecommunications have to catch up the most with regard to sales controlling. According to the findings of this study, 78% of SMEs generating a turnover of up to 7.5 million Euros see the need for action in sales controlling. But even bigger companies hold the opinion that they should improve their sales controlling. Thus, 51% of all companies interviewed think that there are weak points in their organisation in this respect.

So while there are still shortcomings in terms of controlling, client orientation and taking on responsibility by employees are already a matter of course in most high-tech companies, says the study. Target agreements, bonuses and profit-linked payment models already established themselves as was confirmed by the respondents.

More than 100 information and telecommunications companies have so far participated in the BITKOM study which is carried out in co-operation with w+p consulting and the university in Mannheim. The study is still under way. Participation is still possible. GERMAN
