84% of all bosses are men, only 16% women. This imbalance is a known fact. But how does it affect the success of businesses? This question has now been looked upon more closely in a study by databyte who are a business data provider. The finding: Those 6% of companies which are jointly run by both a man and a woman are particularly successful.
The study showed that about 80% of companies are run by men only while about 14% are headed by a woman. In just 6% of businesses the responsibility is shared by both genders. But it is these jointly run companies which generate a particularly high average annual turnover of about 7.9 million Euros and employ on average 51 people.
Companies which are managed solely by men generate an average annual turnover of 7.4 million Euros employing on average 43 people which means that turnover on a per capita basis is highest in these companies. Those companies which are directed by women employ on average 16 employees and generate about 1.9 million Euros.
The percentage of women directors is particularly high in Berlin with 17% and lowest in Bremen with 13%. With regard to those cities with more than 200.000 inhabitants most woman bosses can be found in Chemnitz, Leipzig and Dresden while the percentage of woman directors is below average in Bremen, Kiel, Dusseldorf and Lubeck.