6 percent more overnight stays in January

According to the Federal Statistical Office, there were 19.6 million overnight stays registered in January 2008 which is a plus of 6% as compared to January last year.
This increase relates to both overnight stays by German and foreign tourists (16.6 and 3.0 million respectively). In comparison with December 2007 the number of overnight stays increased by 2.0% in January after adjustments for calendar and season. Taken into account were all overnight stays on camping sites and places of accommodation with at least nine beds.

The strongest increase was registered for camping sites, holiday homes and flats as well as recreation homes where the number of overnight stays increased by 8.0% to 3.8 million in January this year as compared to last year. In the hotel business overnight stays increased to 12.7 million and to 3.1 million in rehab hospitals (a plus of 3.1 million each).

In contrast to the development so far, the increase was higher in communities with less than 100.000 inhabitants (+6.0%) than in big cities (+ 5%) in January 2008. GERMAN
