According to the Federal Statistical Office, about 15,400 students of informatics successfully finished their courses in the year 2006. This is an increase by 13% in comparison with 2005 and more than twice the number of graduates in the year 1997 (+117%).
In the period between 1997 and 2002 the number of graduates in computer sciences oscillated between 6000 and 7000 students, but then there have been two-digit growth rates in graduates ever since.
The percentage of female graduates was relatively low in the year 2006 reaching 17%. In 1997 the share of female informatics graduates had amounted to 13%, then their number fell to 11% in 2000 and 2002 and has been growing slowly ever since.
The number of foreign students graduating successfully in Germany in informatics quadrupled in the period from 1997 to 2006 from 300 to 1300. These students received their university-entrance diploma in countries other than Germany. Among those students which do not have the German citizenship but a German university-entrance diploma, the number of successful graduates in informatics at German universities also quadrupled to 500 since the year 1997.