419 companies generated a turnover exceeding 1 billion Euros in the year 2006 which is an increase by 35 businesses in comparison with the year 2005. All together these companies generated a turnover of almost 1.6 trillion Euros which amounts to 32.3% of the total turnover of all taxable companies combined. These figures were published by the Federal Statistical Office in Wiesbaden.
In total there were more than 3 million companies which paid turnover tax in the year 2006 in Germany. This corresponds to an increase of 2.1% compared to the year 2005. The total value of all products and services (turnover) of all companies combined amounted to 4.93 trillion Euros which is a plus by 363 billion Euros (+7.9%) as compared with the year 2005. VAT revenues by the state amounted to 115.0 billion Euros (+4.2%) in 2006.
This VAT statistics do not take into account companies with an annual turnover less than 17.500 Euros and those which sales are not subject to taxation.
In the year 2006 the number of one-man businesses amounted to 2.2 million (70%) generating 11% of total turnover. 455,000 or 15% of companies were companies with limited liability generating 35% of total turnover. Just 0.2% of those companies subjected to VAT were stock companies. These, however, generated 19% of total turnover in the year 2006.
Most turnover was generated by the 274,000 companies in the processing industry with 1.748 billion Euros as well as the 705,000 trade businesses generating 1.572 billion in turn.