Award ceremony for German leading companies

Three leading European companies were honoured on Wednesday with the “Best of European Business Award” (BEB). The award ceremony in Berlin marks the end of the German phase of this competition the best companies at the European level of which will be awarded on February 21st and 22nd in Brussels. This award was invented by Roland Berger and each year distinguishes European companies which are most successful at doing business in three categories.

For the second time already the Benteler AG won the award in the category “Growth” among companies generating an annual turnover of more than five billion Euros. In the category of “Growth” of small and medium-sized entities the winner was Schmitz Cargobull from Horstmar.

The globally operating conglomerate Fresenius SE came first in the category of “cross-border company takeovers”. The globally leading chemicals company BASF was awarded for the successful takeover of the US specialist in the field of catalyst converters, Engelhard. The German special award was given to the CEO of Airbus, Dr. Thomas Enders, who rendered great service to the transatlantic business relations.

More information about the award and the winners is available on the internet. GERMAN
