Last year was a good year for tourism. In Germany the number of overnight stays by tourists amounted to 361.9 million last year. This figure includes overnight stays in accommodation places with at least nine beds and those at camping sites. The number of overnight stays increased by 3% in comparison with the year 2006.
In 2007 both overnight stays by German as well as by foreign tourists increased by 3% each to 307.1 and 54.8 million respectively. If these so far provisional figures were to be confirmed by the Federal Statistical Office, then this would be the fourth increase in a row.
The biggest increase in overnight stays was registered for rehab hospitals with a plus of 4% to 44.5 million in 2007 as compared to 2006. In the hotel business the number of overnight stays increased by 3% to 214.7 million. With regard to all other kinds of accommodation such as camping sites, holiday homes and flats as well as recreation homes the number of overnight stays rose by 2%.
In particular big cities attracted tourists last year: in cities with more than 100 000 inhabitants the number of overnight stays increased by 5% while in all other communities the plus amounted to 3%.