Many people believe that China is going to become the world´s next leading exporting country. The important question is when this is going to happen. As soon as 2008 Germany may lose its title as “export world champion” to China. In order to avoid this, the German export economy has to use its potential more effectively. Currently the success of Germany´s exports is still based on traditional industrial goods, but a lot of potential is not used.
This unused potential can be found in the service sector which is very important and dynamic and a crucial driving force for economic growth. Furthermore, there are several theoretical approaches and innovative concepts already put in practice in order to promote the export of German services in the fields of aviation, information and communication by making use of networks. These networks are worth being closely looked at given that they are important in order for Germany to remain the world’s leading exporting country.
One such opportunity to learn more about these networks is the seventh innovation forum which is part of a series called “Innovative Dienstleistungen auf dem Weg zur Weltspitze” organized by the Handelshochschule Leipzig and the CLIC – Center for Leading Innovation & Cooperation. The event is entitled “Sehnsucht nach Ferne und Entdeckung: Exportweltmeister Deutschland durch Internationalisierung von Dienstleistungen” and takes place on February 8th 2008 in Hamburg. There, extraordinary examples of Germany´s export world class will be shown to the audience. Speakers there want to demonstrate that there is a lot of potential on the basis of which Germany is able to stay the world´s leading exporting country.
Information on this series of events is available online.