As of today small and medium-sized entities (SMEs) and research institutes once again have the opportunity to apply for subsidy funding for international co-operations in the field of technology within a “EraSME Joint Calls” programme. Project proposals from all fields of technology are admitted. The funding for such projects which amount up to 10 million Euros are made available through the national programmes involved. In this initiative Germany is represented with the “InnoNet” programme by the Federal ministry for economic affairs and technology. Deadine for submitting project proposals is March 31st 2008.
Eligible are projects which aim at cross-border co-operation between SMEs and research institutes. Such projects are to increase the know-how and competitiveness of European small and medium-sized entities.
“EraSME” is a joint initiative of several national ministries and the European Commission and comprises programmes from 21 countries and regions. The current invitation for proposals is already the fourth joint initiative of this kind in which projects from the following countries and regions are eligible for subsidies: Belgium (Flanders), Denmark, Germany, Greece, Island, Austria, Sweden, Slovenia, Spain and the Czech Republic.
All details on this EraSME invitation are available online.