Entrepreneurship is a driving force in our society and leads to innovation, new products and solutions which have positive effects on the labour market and prosperity of a region. On December 10th an “Entrepreneur´s Day“ organized jointly by the Centre for Entrepreneurship at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt and the Centre for Business Start-ups in Ingolstadt wants to show the opportunities provided by being self-employed. Participation is free of charge.
The organizers address themselves to both students and pupils who want to set up their own business. In the course of the event experts will make brief statements in order to demonstrate the opportunities provided by being one´s own boss and how best to put into practice one´s business idea. What is important in the first year after the business was set up? Why are business plans and networks so crucial? Practical tips on financial support and counseling services will round off the event. The event´s agenda is available online.