The situation of German architects continues to be worrying. According to survey findings by the ifo-Institut the business situation of freelance architects did not change at the beginning of the 3rd quarter 2007 as compared to the 2nd one, but is nevertheless still far from being good.
Those architects interviewed did, however, consider their current business situation to be slightly better than a quarter of a year ago. An average 22% from all German freelance architects said that their current situation is „good“, the percentage of those saying that it is „bad“ fell slightly from 37% to 36%. A similarly good assessment of their business situation architects last gave seven years ago.
As far as future business prospects are concerned, architects turned out to be more reserved than in the two previous quarters. 12% expect future order receipt to be „rather better“ (previous quarter: 11%) and about 20% think that the situation will develop rather negatively.
New contracts were closed by about half of all freelance architects which is slightly less than in the 2nd quarter. The volume of total order receipt was a little bit higher than in the 1st quarter of 2007. The average volume of order backlog did not change and for three quarters has been at about on average 4.7 months for all Federal Laender.