75 percent of self-employed people use email professionally

Almost half of all gainfully-employed people in Germany (48%) have a professional email address. However, there are marked differences according to the individual professional groups. Self-employed people are the forerunners in this respect. 76% of these have a professional email address while this percentage is 65% for public servants and 52% for employees. Workers, however, are somewhat lagging behind. Only about one tenth of them (9%) has got a professional email address.

The above figures were published in the WebMonitor compiled jointly by the German Association for Information Management, Telecommunications and New Media (BITKOM) and the Forsa market research institute .

Quite a nuisance, in particular in the professional field, are unsolicited emails, so-called spam. Their share in all emails received amounts to about 80% in Germany, according to BITKOM estimates. The lion share of these spam mails is sent from the USA and China. Often these mails advertise drugs or financial products. Therefore companies should make use of powerful spam filters. Furthermore, BITKOM recommends to never answer to spam mails. Replies would only signal to senders that the targeted email address is actually existent so that even more mails would be received.

For the WebMonitor, which is a representative survey, about 1000 people from the age of 14 years were interviewed. GERMAN
