Nowadays small and medium-sized companies have to compete internationally and to prepare for this. In particular the countries of the former eastern block provide plenty of opportunities in this respect. A research group from Bamberg is developping certain concepts for personnel training programmes in the new EU member states Bulgaria, Rumania and the would-be member Croatia.
But are German companies actually sufficiently prepared for the opportunities provided by an enlarged Europe? Do they know the particularities of Bulgaria, Rumania and Croatia and do they accordingly train the personnel despatched abroad? A project team headed by Prof. Dr. Hermann Liebel, professor for organisational and social psychology at the Otto-Friedrich university in Bamberg, is currently looking for answers to these very questions.
The objective of their project is to develop country-specific tailor-made preparation modules for personnel despatch abroad for companies involved in the project. Therefore, for the research project companies are looked for in order to exchange their views on personnel despatches already carried out or planned to Bulgaria, Rumania and Croatia.
Companies interested in taking part are invited to contact the office of the department for organisational and social psychology at the Bamberg university or Ms. Kerstin Hammann who is contact person for the project in question via email. Participating companies will benefit from the project´s results.