According to the Federal Statistical Office, the index of German wholesale selling prices was 2.6% up in July 2007 as compared to July 2006 and increased by 0.4% as compared to June 2007. Particularly strong have been the wholesale price increases for corn, seeds and animal feed since July 2006 (+38.9%). The wholesale prices for ore, iron, steel, non-ferrous metals and the semifinished products thereof increased by 7.3% since July last year. On the other hand, whole sale prices for solid fuels and mineral oil products fell by 2.3%. Prices for office devices and equipment also fell since July 2006 (-12.7%).
As compared to June 2007 wholesale prices for corn, seeds and animal feed were up by 6.8% in July 2007 and the prices for solid fuel and mineral oil products by +1.0%. The prices for ore, iron, steel, non-ferrous metals and the seminfinished products thereof fell by 0.2% and those for office devices and equipment by 1.6% in July 2007 as compared to June this year.