100 companies listed in the Entry Standard on the Frankfurt Stock exchange

The »Entry Standard« index was launched in October 2005 for small and medium-sized entities on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Now the Frankfurt Stock Exchange celebrated a jublilee in this segment: the IPO of m4e AG which thus became the one hundredth medium-sized entity listed in this segment. According to the Frankfurt Stock Exchange the Entry Standard has become the most important alternative capital market in continental Europe.

»This entry of the 100th company shows how well-received the new segment is on the part of issuers and investors alike. The success of the Entry Standard proves that it was right and necessary to create such a segment which is particularly appealing to small and medium-sized entities given that it provides them with a flexible and cost-efficient access to the capital market», said Rainer Riess who is Managing Director Market Development in Frankfurt. The Entry Standard features high liquidity and demonstrates a strong interest particularly on the part of institutional investors. Four companies which had been listed in the Entry Standard have already moved up to the more regulated market segments »Prime« and »General Standard«.

The segment addresses itself to skilful investors who are able to assess the opportunities and risks of less regulated market segments. Essential rules on transparancy and conduct meant to protect investors which can be found in regulated market segments such as Prime and General Standard do not apply to the Entry Standard. GERMAN
