High-profile conference on RFID taking place in Berlin

There is a conference with the motto of „RFID: Towards the Internet of Things» which will take place in Berlin on June 25th and 26th. This conference is organized by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs (BMWi) in co-operation with the Federal Ministry for Education and the European Commission. Not only is the new »Radio frequency identification« (RFID) seen as a growth market by businesses, but also as an important engine for innovation.

About 500 national and international decision makers from politics, business, science and society are expected to discuss risks and opportunities of the RFID technology.

The conference’s agenda featuring renowned experts from Germany, Europe and overseas, was presented today. These experts include CEOs from major companies such as Metro, SAP, IBM and Deutsche Post as well as representatives of small and medium-sized entities, permanent secretaries from Federal Ministries, directors of leading research institutes as well as leaders of European data and consumer protection associations.

The conference offers a broad dialogue on economic, technological as well as political issues and challenges. The objective is to initiate a common strategic approach at European level on the introduction and application of RFID in order to make this seminal technology a success story also in Europe. The conference addresses itself to leaders from politics and governments, experts and decision makers from the world of business and science as well as representatives from NGOs.

The agenda as well as a registration form and further information are available online. GERMAN
