German exports up by 13.4 percent in January

In the January of 2007 Germany exported goods to the value of 77.5 billion Euros whereas the value of imported goods amounted to 61.4 billion Euros. Thus, German exports and imports increased by 13.4% and 9.6% respectively in January 2007 as compared to January one year ago. However, the picture is less positive, if one compares the figures for January with those of December 2006: seasonally adjusted exports increased by just 0.1% whereas imports were even down by 1.5%.

However, according to the Federal Statistical Office, there was trade surplus of 16.2 billion Euros registered for January 2007 whereas the balance for January 2006 was +12.4 billion Euros. The seasonally adjusted figure for the German trade surplus in January 2007 was 15.8 billion Euros.

The above figures are preliminary results. Further data is available from the Federal Statistical Office. GERMAN
