Women are still quite the exception on executive floors in Germany. Therefore, the renowned McKinsey management consultancy and the European Academy for Women in Politics and Business/EAF jointly organize a first class workshop for women with career ambitions. Those interested, however, first have to apply to the organizers given that all costs including those for travel will be covered by the organizers. The workshop will be taking place from May 3rd to May 5th 2007 in Berlin.
Both EAF and McKinsey strive for more women making it to the very top in future. To this end, they invite students and those young women who have already gained some work experience to Berlin in order to take part in these three days of career workshop. The event featuring high-profile speakers will bring them into contact with women and men from politics and the world of business. Among other things the following will be on the agenda:
The workshop addresses itself to women who are going to finish their studies soon or who already have gained some work experience. In order to participate it is necessary to apply in writing. Applications should arrive no later than April 1st 2007. Further information on the workshop is available online.