Already today leisure is Germany´s most important job machine. Much more than six million people work in the several sectors of leisure business. Tourism, media, culture, sports, health and entertainment are growth sectors which do not have to fear competition. For this reason the leisure industry will be the driving economic force of the 21st century according to authors Opaschowski, Pries and Reihardt who published a scientific paper named “Freizeitwirtschaft. Die Leitökonomie der Zukunft”.
The paper was written at the privately owned Baltic College, University of Applied Sciences in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in co-operation with the Chamber of Industry and Commerce.
Given that the leisure market forms part of the service industry it is also one of the most important employers. One out of six German employees work in the leisure business and their number keeps growing. The leisure market is becoming increasingly interesting to those who want to start a new business given that it offers promising economic prospects for founders of new businesses ranging from event to travel agency, from art gallery to fitness center and services and events in the field of entertainment. In particular the health sector promises strong growth. Given the demographic development in Germany there is an ever increasing number of people looking for services offering preventive care.
Therefore universities have created a new course of studies. The new dual course comprises lessons leading to a “Bachelor of Arts – Management of Health Tourism” degree as well as vocational training leading to the professional qualification of “Merchant in health care industry”. Further information on this subject matter is available on the website of the Baltic College.