It is a well-known fact that German small and medium-sized entities are struggling with an equity ratio which is much too small. As a consequence rating will be so low that outside capital is difficult to obtain and only at a higher price. Improving a company´s liquidity generated from operating revenues is therefore a logical alternative.
Increasing and raising additional equity capital may represent additional options. But who are the investors really suitable in such situations? What measures have to be taken when preparing the raising of capital? In his new “Financing alternatives for SMEs” M´BlogBook, Dr. rer. nat. Jürgen Kaack, who is a writer, economic adviser and managing director of the STZ-Consulting Group, explains alternative financing models and provides valuable information on their origins, advantages and risks. The PDF brochure which contains 27 pages is as usual available for free-of-charge download (approx. 1 MB).