There is an ever increasing need on the part of small and medium-sized entities (SMEs) to know all relevant management ratios and to include them into their financial communication. Therefore the German Federal Association of Information Management, Telecommunication and New Media e.V. (BITKOM) in co-operation with the Ernst & Young AG accounting agency has developed a benchmark system called BWLK which is subject to a charge and which takes into consideration 22 management ratios.
The new systems gives companies support in determining their competitive position and optimizing their business processes. Given that the system’s benchmark assessment allows for different sectors of industry or company sizes, it represents a practical tool providing a realistic description of good practice and the gap separating a company from the respective market leaders. The data provided by the system can be used in negotiations with banks and other financiers. Furthermore these data allow quantified information on necessary improvements within a company.
The comparative analysis of the data will be carried out by Ernst & Young AG so that a confidential treatment of data is ensured. The participating companies´ identities will also remain undisclosed in the report of findings.
Interested companies may register their participation by September 30th 2006. An individual report of findings will be available by the end of this year. The participation fee for the BWLK benchmarking amounts to 390 Euros (plus VAT). BITKOM members will pay a reduced fee of 290 Euros (plus VAT).
Registration is possible as of now. The registration form and conditions of participation are available online:
- Information sheet
- Conditions of participation
- Registration form