Wholesale business is doing well

The wholesale business is looking back onto a successful first half of the year. According to Mr Anton Börner, chairman of the Association of German Whole and Foreign Trade (BGA), the current boom has led to significant growth in this economic sector. The optimistic announcement came on the occasion of the publication of turnover figures of wholesale trade by the Federal Statistical Office in Berlin. According to the BGA, the main incentives came from export and import as well as from investment in machinery and equipment.

Overall the share of wholesale trade in the distribution of goods has grown over the first half year of 2006. According to preliminary figures by the Federal Statistical Office, sales grew by a nominal seven percent and 3.6 percent taking into account a deflator. The BGA are even expecting a growth of almost eight and 4.5 percent respectively. According to the Federal Statistical Office, particularly strong growth took place in upstream sections of wholesale trade being close to production. Thus, trade in machinery and equipment rose by 5.5 percent nominally and 9.5 percent after applying a deflator. Trade in raw materials rose by 12.3 and 3.4 percent respectively. As for consumer goods, turnover for durables and consumption goods was up by 4.4 percent and 3.1 percent after calculation by deflator. Trade in groceries, beverages and tobacco products, however, was less successful with turnover rising by only 2 and 0.5 percent respectively. GERMAN
