The German office for collecting radio and TV fees (GEZ) assumes that company computers are also used for listening to radio and watching TV, which is an absurd allegation in the eyes of entrepreneurs. Nevertheless from January 1st 2007 fees will also have to be paid for company computers equipped with an internet connection, if the company in question has not already registered any radio or TV post with the GEZ. However, it has not been determined yet whether only the radio fee amounting to 5.53 Euros or the TV fee of 17.03 Euros per month will have to be paid.
At the end of March this year the Association of fee payers (VRGZ) had already filed a constitutional complaint against this fee extension with the Constitutional Court. According to the Bild am Sonntag newspaper there were several ten thousands of protest emails, in particular by small and medium-sized entities (SMEs), which were sent to the Association of German Chambers of Commerce (DIHK) and the Confederation of German Trade (ZDH).
MittelstandsBlog think: The obligation of the State to guarantee a basic supply of the population with public broadcasting services which led to the introduction of compulsory fees after World War II was a justified measure. But the extension of fees to the Internet with reference to a public obligation amounts to an insult. Not only are companies ripped off by this measure, but also taken the mickey out of. We call upon all SMEs to join the protest.