According to the operators of the nexxt-change internet site on average 40 companies per week find a successor thanks to this medium. Since the online start of the site in January, about 1000 small and medium-sized companies, which would otherwise have had to be closed down, were provided with successors. Thus, nexxt-change is making an important contribution to the solving of the successor problem faced by many SMEs. People wishing to set up on their own can choose from 7.000 company profiles. Senior entrepreneurs, who do not find a successor within their own family, via a network of local partners may publish an online profile of their company on nexxt-change. These local partners, in particular chambers of commerce and trade as well as saving and co-operative banks provide individual advise to advertisers and support them in their search for an appropriate successor.
Nexxt-change is an initiative by the Federal Ministry of Commerce and Technology, the Reconstruction Loan Corporation (KfW), the German Industrie- und Handelskammertag, the Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks, the Confederation of German co-operative banks and well as the Confederation of saving banks.