Until the 30th of June there is still time for small and medium-sized entities (SMEs) to submit applications in order to take part in the »Europe’s 500« competition. At the end of this competition there will be awards for those 500 SMEs which are growing the most and generating most jobs.
According to the organizer the competition´s ranking of job-creating companies is currently the only of its kind in Europe. Participation is said to be particularly interesting to small companies given that not the absolute number of jobs created, but their proportion to the company´s size is taken into account. It is just this fact which is one major strenght of SMEs.
Conditions for participation: Companies taking part have to have existed for at least three years. The company data which are subject to ranking are those between December 2002 and December 2005. During this period participating companies are supposed not to have employed more than 5000 staff at the beginning and less than 50 staff at the end of the period assessed. Further information is availabe on the competition website with an application form also being available there for download.