Economic advisers collect signatures against VAT increase

In spite of the ratification of an accompanying budget law last Friday, which confirmed the VAT increase in Germany, the Federal Association of German economic advisers to SMEs e. V.(BVDMB) calls for support of its plan to get under way a petition against the increase. The association which considers itself as the mouthpiece of small and medium-sized entities (SMEs) and their advisers fears drastic consequences for the German economy, in particular for SMEs. The association calls upon all opponents to a VAT increase to register on the Internet site of the »Du bist deutscher Mittelstand« initiative in order to bring under way the petition.

Originally, the »Du bist deutscher Mittelstand« initiative had been launched as a reaction to the German government´s quite controversial »Du bist Deutschland« media campaign with the objective to promote the public image of German SMEs. For the time being the initiative is planned to run until the end of this year.

Information on the initiative and how to vote for the petition is available on the project´s website. GERMAN
