Apprentices and training centres, students and young professionals from the building industry should come up with some smart ideas and take part in the sixth edition of an ITcompetition called »Built upon IT – Career prospects in the building industry«. For the competition it is possible to submit individual as well as teamwork. Professors, training supervisors are called upon to encourage possible future professionals of the building industry to take part and to make use of the possibility to present innovative works to a wider expert audience. The best participants can win up to 2.500 Euros in prize money.
Application deadline is the 23rd October 2006. The projects to be presented have to be submitted by November the 13th. The award ceremony will be held in January 2007 on the occasion of the BAU trade fair in Munich. Further details on the online-application and works which were already awared a prize can be gathered from the online portal »Built upon IT« by the Federal Ministry of Commerce and Technology.