Wirtschaftswoche magazine reveals the appeal of India to SME

According to the initiative Perspektive Mittelstand the German economy directs its attention to the East. Not only, however, does this attention comprise Middle and Eastern Europe, but it has already reached China and India. These markets currently present a particularly high growth.

This might also be to the advantage of small and medium-sized entities (SME) which get involved in those countries. The list of companies already investing there is long. Whereas the dynamism of China had led to an increased commitment of SME there already some time ago, India has only recently shifted into the focus, if we leave out the IT industry for a while. India is amongst the stars on the stock exchanges of the newly industrialized countries, the so-called emerging markets (⇒ Wikipedia). For that reason the Wirtschaftswoche has dedicated a 20-page special to the promising Indian market and reports on numerous SME banking on India. GERMAN
