The Bundesagentur für Arbeit in an extensive article directs the attention of the readers of the Uni Magazin to the good career opportunities and particularities presented by small and medium-sized companies while at the same time rectifying some frequent prejudices felt among the public and in particular among the future graduates at universities and colleges. The author of the article stresses the economic importance of small and medium-sized companies and illustrates the differences as employers as compared to major enterprises.
Particularly interesting is the comparison of the appeal as ideal employer which world market leaders exert on graduates – but only as long as these market leaders are called BMW and McKinsey, but not if they bear names such as Flabeg or Hirschmann, although, for instance, these two companies act as leaders on global markets too. Often small and medium-sized companies are as good as the big ones, but unfortunately they act in secret, which is the conclusion drawn by the author. Apart from valuable arguments he also provides his readers with useful links for the search of small and medium-sized employers.
MittelstandsBlog.DE thinks: An excellent article which should also be readand then printed out or downloaded by the directors of the personnel departments in small and medium-sized companies. A better and more concise basis for discussion will probably not be available again any time soon.